We talked about how we can work together, build a relationship between DGM and NAD, and identify our plans for the future. The primary focus of our discussion was about October 20th. On that day, in 85 cities across America, people will stand at a street corner with signages to bring attention to three important issues for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community: access, education, and employment.
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Howard - DGM and the NAD work together and support each other. Allow me to explain how. The NAD has always met with the federal government to discuss various issues including education, employment, and access. While such discussions are productive, sometimes we get nowhere. Thanks to DGM’s movement and making noise about our needs, the federal government reached out the NAD recognizing the their actions. This helps the NAD continue the dialogue we want to have with the federal government. I am very appreciative of the work DGM has done to support the rights of deaf and hard of hearing people.
So, October 20th is a very important day! You can get involved by looking for the DGM Facebook page in your state, and find out details about October 20th. You can join for an hour, a few hours, or all day! Your time contributed to this movement will have an impact across the country! This movement will occur every now and then, not just October 20th, so we can remain visible and bring attention to the community including the politicians. We want them to know that we are still here!
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Follow @Deaf Grassroots Movement:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/deafgrassrootsmovement
Official Website - http://deafgrassroots.wixsite.com/tdgm
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Facebook - https://facebook.com/hashtag/dgm
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/hashtag/dgm
Related Deaf Deaf Grassroots Movement:
Deaf Grassroots Movement - National Deaf Rally
Deaf Grassroots Movement Nationwide Rally
Deaf Protest at White House in Washington DC
Deaf Protest At The White House 2015 Live Video
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