He was intrigued and asked what it was and I explained that, "Audism is a form of oppression, 'you can speak, you must speak, you must hear, the expectation of Deaf/HOH having to act like a hearing person, oppressing us by thinking that hearing people are better than Deaf or Hard of hearing people, that kind of attitude or way of thinking."
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Paul was cautious and said, "Make sure you don't sound so defensive but you can talk and use it as your marketability skill." I said, "I know, right-right, that's fine, sure, but what about those Deaf people who can't talk at all and they want to get into Hollywood and to be in movies. That's not fair. Saying, "Lines are supposed to be spoken", that's not reality, that's not our world today, our world is so diverse, we have different and all kinds of people, they can't just limit by saying, "You must speak only.", that's not realistic.... Read more: Transcript Cont'd
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