Truth be told, both are stupid. Gabe was wrong to call him a faggot, Diva was wrong to make fun of rape. And it is disturbing that people ignored Gabe's actions and went after Diva instead. The worst offender of the whole thing is: Scotty Jackson. he tried to fan the hatred of LGBT by going after Diva & me. I repeatedly told them that both are wrong. And it is no big deal.
However, seeing their (many Deaf people) reactions as a parent is quite disturbing. Their behaviors as parents of their kids has ultimately convinced me not to rear a child. Their behavior has reinforced my belief that if anyone wants to have a child, they need to get some kind of license! Source
Dawn Schriver Moore posted the video and sharing on DeafVIDEO.TV social networking website for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community regarding the hottest debating "I'll Fuck Your Daughter" which causing the controversy erupts on social media. The comments are mixing of the positives and negatives/bashing has reacted to a video showing on DeafVIDEO.TV/#Comments.
As DVTV user, Dawn Huffman just uploaded a video calling-out on "This is for Ricky Taylor aka Ridor9th" regarding "I'll Fuck Your Daughter" controversy. However, you can see the users and Tayler Mayer, the owner of the DeafVIDEO.TV social networking website responses has reacted to a video showing on DeafVIDEO.TV/#Comments regarding Ricky Taylor's vlog "Faggot vs. Rape."
This is it - You've reached the place that perhaps the only Deaf Gay man that knew almost ... everything about your lives. Enjoy the ride. Cheers, R-
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