Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Gay People Walking Through The Street Reaction

VIDEO [CC] - Shocking homosexual experiment, how do straight people react when gay people walking through the streets in some countries.

Reaction to Gays in Russia Social Experiment - Daily Mail - Two men secretly filmed themselves walking hand-in-hand through Moscow, only to be attacked twice and shouted at by vile homophobes. The video, taken as part of a social experiment, shows the men walking past iconic landmarks together in the Russian capital.

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Walking In NYC As A Homosexual Experiment - Gaily Grind - DennisCeeTv sent a ‘gay’ man wearing a tight V-neck shirt to walk the streets of New York City for three hours and document any street harassment he received. Although the experiment has the right intentions, it should be noted that the video says the man is “dressed as a homosexual.”

Homosexual Experiment - The two actors and gay walk the streets of New York City that are getting discriminated by vile homophobes.

Listverse - From our cozy Western perspective, it can seem like the battle for LGBT rights is nearly over. Across Europe, Australia, North America, and most of South America, things like gay marriage and homosexual adoption are now either legal or being openly discussed.

Only the most narrow-minded bigot would still think it was acceptable to discriminate against someone purely on the basis of their sexual orientation...read more: 10 Countries That Completely Hate Gay People

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