International Week of the Deaf is about gathering together, becoming united, and showing that unity to the rest of the world. This celebration also increases solidarity among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing people and their allies, and is used as a way to stimulate greater efforts to promote the rights of Deaf and HoH people.
International Week of the Deaf activities also welcome the involvement of parents and families of Deaf people, interpreters, professionals who work with Deaf people and government officials - SignTv Deaf News.
Joe Murray from the World Federation of the Deaf encourages you all to celebrate the International Week of the Deaf. This year's theme is "With Sign Language, I am Equal" and will be during September 19 to 25, 2016.
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First launched in 1958 in Rome, Italy, International Week of the Deaf takes place annually on the last week of September. A truly global event, International Week of the Deaf is the only week in a year that sees highly concerned global advocacy to raise awareness about the Deaf community on different levels.
This year we gather once again to commemorate the 10th Year Adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and acknowledge the recent adoption of the 2030 Agenda of the new Sustainable Development Goals... Read More at https://wfdeaf.org/news.
Deaf elementary school celebrates International Week of the Deaf and International Day of Peace from the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.
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International Week of the Deaf 2016 - Doctors and Accessibility in English Subtitles - The Deaf group made this film for International Week of the Deaf focusing on the subject of Accessibility and Doctors issues in the Deaf community.
The Day of Deaf in Batticaloa from Lankasri News - To provide for the rights of the week local Deaf community rally in the country of Sri Lanka.
Read the full story at http://www.tamilwin.com/community/news.
Watch Playlists International Week of the Deaf on YouTube.
Learn more about International Week of the Deaf:
About IWD - https://wfdeaf.org/about-us/international-week-of-the-deaf
IWD on Facebook - https://facebook.com/wfdeaf.org/videos
Hastag on Twitter - https://twitter.com/hashtag/deafawarenessweek
Related International Week of the Deaf:
Pocoyo Inspires Deaf Culture, Brings Awareness
Related @WFD - World Federation of the Deaf
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